Zappingstatus is a Portuguese company that was born from the deep conviction of a team that wants to make a difference according to their experience and knowledge of Portuguese wine market.
Zappingstatus is clearly a business partner with the ability to provide a service with benefits, ideas and solutions idealized to increase the internationalization of its brands and / or represented wines.
Company Name: |
Portugal ZappingStatus Importacao e Exportacao, Lda. |
Company Type: |
Enterprise (Trader) |
Area: |
Southern Europe/Portugal |
Employee : |
1-49 people |
Registered Capital: |
Not filled |
Year Established: |
2013 |
Data certification: |
Credit guarantee: |
Already paid $0.00 USD |
Business model: |
Trader |
Business scope: |
Portuguese wine |
Sales of products: |
Portuguese wine |
Industry: |
News center